Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fixing Stuff & Adding Stuff = Lots of Stuff

Fixed some of the photos in the Flickr account not being put in the proper 'set' so now they should all show up. In total, something like 73 photos/renders/tests should be in the account for this project now. Now on to the meat of the post:

This is what we saw from studio the night before review. I guess some people decided to light the cardboard giant trojan horse (?) on fire at like 3 AM in the quad, and so we got to watch it burn. Kind of pretty really, wish I had had some marshmellows.


Here we have some late night drilling of holes (TWSS*) in order to get the LED lights to go through from the other side.

The Drilling Process

...and then the final result of the 4 holes drilled:

Holes Drilled!

With the end result being mocked up like so:

Model Mock Up


Model Mock Up

and finally for that Classic head on tetris look:

Model Mock Up #3

I didn't manage to get the grid on the model like I wanted, (except around the one shape) and I didn't manage to get multiple shapes fixed on. Lame... Gonna have to continue working on it and the renders (for fun) because I think the concept is fun and would work well in a clean modern environment or a media room for ambient lighting. I'm going to look into some renders with different colours as Bjarki had suggested to see how that works as well. I'm skeptical, but it's always worth investigating.

8-bit inspirational image of the day...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wrapping up

more renders, post presentation, post sleeping/coma-ing.

Room View - Lights off

couch view, lights off

daytime room

Couch View

Tetris Block shape

Couch View

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fifth Post

Forgot the inspiration picture... not exactly 8-bit, but still works. Mario looks about how I feel and Donkey Kong kinda represents the project laughing at me a lil bit.

Fourth Post...

I have done a few quick tests with the LED flashlights to see what kind of effect I get, and I'm pretty happy with it, though it has been hard to capture on camera by myself.

I tested out the shapes from the acrylic Tetris blocks I vacuum formed, and the shapes look pretty good. It'll be a pain in the butt to get everything to work out alright, but all you can do is try right? so frustrating to know it could be damn good, but might not be based on some lack of time. Bah, think positively right? right....

Box Shape
T Shape Testing
Box Shape Top Down

Here's a little look at the Grid tests...the grid combined with mounting the lights is going to be where the majority of my Monday is going to be spent...
Grid Underneath
Grid Underneath Boxes

Third Post...

Moving onto the lighting aspect...I purchased a $25 fluorescent tube from Buchanan lighting down near Preston Hardware, in hopes that it would be what I wanted for a lighting solution. Unfortunately, it worked almost too well, and without any ability or knowledge of how to properly wire lights, I was not able to dim the lights, and the fluorescent bulb was extremely bright. So bright in fact, that it was not able to be captured digitally properly :) Anyhoo, here are the results.
Flyorescent Bulb Off
Flyorescent Bulb Off
Fluorescent Explosion Covered

So now there was a problem, and I managed to solve it using LED lighting. LED lighting that I purchased from 'a Buck or Two' in the form of small portable flashlights. They are powered by 9 LED's and use 3 AAA batteries. I purchased about 10 of them in order to light my Tetris Blocks.

Second Post...

So, continuing on with my post dumpage of what I have been working on, I'll move to the boxes. I've had a fair bit of problems trying to get them to have a good edge. I've sanded, I've filed, I've scraped with chisels and other sharp blood letting objects. I have almost blinded one eye (cuz I'm an idiot and got a piece of plastic stuck in my eye, but luckily was able to have it pass behind my eye and come out the corner. Dear god that hurt and I was damn lucky.) Anyways, here are some pics of the boxes being cut out, those same boxes actually cut out, and all lined up and what not.
Bandsawing Moulds
Liberating the Boxes
Sheets from the Mould
Lone Box

So tired...still so much to do.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Days upon days...

day 4(?) of being at school until at least 3 or 4 in the morning and barely sleeping. today i crashed and napped for a couple hours in the middle of the day, only to get woken up about 4 times anyways. anyhoo, been workin hard on the project. Constructed a wall to mount the lights on, and constructed it in a way so that it would hide the largely ghetto methods im using to get the concept across in the model. Also, a major reason for the wall was to control the environment (as much as i could) that the product would be placed into. I wanted a modern look, modern feel for the room that this product would be put into. I spent a way too long amount of time with the wall making it white, and super smooth. Looking back, and even while I was working on it, I knew that it probably wasn't the most effective use of time, but without access to the shops, it was hard to get some other things done, so did what I could I guess.
Wall Without Back
Sliding into Groove

Monday, March 9, 2009

Falling in Love all over again

It's been too long since I have posted anything, but that just means I should be pumping out a lot more renders and images and construction shots soon as well. Over the course of the weekend I managed to get a render scenario setup so that I will be able to drop my product in to get more in context images. I'm hoping to recreate a modern room design from an architecture magazine and get my object rendered in that environment to boost the realism factor and convey where I see this product fitting. Selling the steak with the sizzle, as I was once told. So I updated the flickr account (on the right side) with a few test renders of my 'tron style' grid, modelled in solidworks and then rendered lovingly in Maxwell. With my new desktop (quad core 2.83 ghz with 6 gb of ram), I am falling in love with maxwell all over again. Looking forward to pimping out more renders with Maxwell. It may take more time to setup than hypershot or photoworks, but the juice is worth the squeeze. The quality and the capability to adjust the lighting afterwards are unmatched and indescribably helpful. Take a look for yourself.

Today's 8-bit inspiration brought to you by Ninja Gaiden...enjoi. the game was/is awesome.