Monday, March 9, 2009

Falling in Love all over again

It's been too long since I have posted anything, but that just means I should be pumping out a lot more renders and images and construction shots soon as well. Over the course of the weekend I managed to get a render scenario setup so that I will be able to drop my product in to get more in context images. I'm hoping to recreate a modern room design from an architecture magazine and get my object rendered in that environment to boost the realism factor and convey where I see this product fitting. Selling the steak with the sizzle, as I was once told. So I updated the flickr account (on the right side) with a few test renders of my 'tron style' grid, modelled in solidworks and then rendered lovingly in Maxwell. With my new desktop (quad core 2.83 ghz with 6 gb of ram), I am falling in love with maxwell all over again. Looking forward to pimping out more renders with Maxwell. It may take more time to setup than hypershot or photoworks, but the juice is worth the squeeze. The quality and the capability to adjust the lighting afterwards are unmatched and indescribably helpful. Take a look for yourself.

Today's 8-bit inspiration brought to you by Ninja Gaiden...enjoi. the game was/is awesome.

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